

Enumerations of standard values used in the API. Enums are used to make logical and structural distinctions between different parts of the API.

  • From version: 2020.20



AttachmentType: {[id:string]: AttachmentType}

The attachment file's type.

if(workflowApi.currentThread.entries[0].attachments[0].attachmentType === workflowApi.enums.AttachmentType.Text) {
	console.log("You can change your design here, so it will be specially adapted to Text attachment");


ContactType: {[id:string]: ContactType}

The contact type can be either a user or a role.

const roles = workflowApi.utilities.getUsersAndRoles().filter( e => e.type === workflowApi.enums.ContactType.Role);


ThemeType: {[id:string]: ThemeType}

The Workflow's design theme can be either a "Dark Mode" or "Light Mode".

if(workflowApi.session.theme === workflowApi.enums.ThemeType.Dark) {
	console.log("You can change your design here, so it will be specially adapted to Dark theme");


WorkflowThreadType: {[id:string]: WorkflowThreadType}

The thread type that explains in which context it was created : Cell , Member , Document and Component.

if(workflowApi.currentThread.type === workflowApi.enums.WorkflowThreadType.Component) {
	console.log("You can change your design here, so it will be specially adapted to Component thread type");